Smart air purifier and designer Eco is an advanced innovative ecological system specially tailored for the purpose of controlling and managing air quality in the field of agriculture and in order to eliminate agro-cultural risks in the cultivation or storage of fruits and vegetables.
The system is designed for the purpose of rapid active action on the reduction of mycotoxins, aflatoxins, molds, bacteria and viruses, odors and organic volatile substances, ie. in 30 min, remove up to 99% of microbiological, organic and aerosol contaminants. The device produces an ecological micro-climate and reduces the need for the application of chemical fungicides min. 30%.
This innovation uses 11 technologies that are integrated into 5 key technological segments, namely: 1.) filtration for purification from dust and aerosols, more than 99% in the first 30 minutes, 2.) sterilization via UV lamp with a wide range of work removes most of 99 % of microorganisms in the air, 3.) advanced oxidizing plasma cell (AOP plasma cell) with a cold catalyst that produces hydro-peroxide, super-oxide ions and hydroxide ions that destroy mycotoxins, yeasts, molds, spores and other contaminants in the air and on surfaces. After oxidation of the contaminants, these oxidants are returned back to space in the form of oxygen and hydrogen.
5.) advanced valve drive that encourages continuous air circulation and contributes to the overall air circulation in the agricultural facility, enabling control and maintenance of CO2 at the appropriate level.
The method integrated in this device is innovative at all technical-technological levels, it was created on the basis of two patents and one patent application (P20171729A, P20190058A).
Key issues that the device solves:
1.) during storage, prolongs the life of healthy fruits and vegetables by 50%.
(test results showed that without a purification system, the fruit survives 5 days while with purification 15 days)
2.) reduces the amount of contamination of fruits and vegetables with molds, fungi, yeasts; reduces the amount of mytotoxins (aflatoxins and sclerotinia)
(test results showed that without a purification system, fruits and vegetables are attacked by micropollution immediately, while in the presence of a purification system, fruits and vegetables can survive up to 15 days without the addition of fungicides.
3.) reduces the amount of use of fungicides and chemical preparations in general for the purpose of destroying microbiological pollution by at least 30%
4.) the use of the ECO system contributes to the reduction of the absorption of chemical toxic substances in fruits / vegetables and thus reduces human exposure to their consumption
5.) in greenhouses it has an effect on the maintenance (does not reduce its amount) of CO2 and contributes to the proper circulation of air and the dispersion of CO2 in the space.

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